Chemistry, B.S.
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The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, under the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics, is designed to prepare students for industry, graduate school or professional school (including medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine). This is achieved through a broad-based education that includes exposure to major areas of chemistry including analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. In both the classroom setting and in the laboratory, students will interact directly with our chemistry faculty, taking advantage of our small student to faculty ratio.
This major meets the Connecticut State Department of Education requirements for those students enrolled in the initial teacher preparation program at Albertus Magnus College and are seeking a secondary level teacher certification with a chemistry endorsement. Contact the Department of Education and Teacher Preparation for additional information.
Upon completing the program of study in Chemistry, students will demonstrate:
- Competence in chemistry content and laboratory techniques.
- Written and oral communication skills.
- Information literacy skills.
- Proficiency in quantitative analysis.
- Critical thinking skills.
- Application of the scientific method and experimental design.
REQUIRED CORE (32 credits)
CH 121 - General Chemistry I
CH 121L - General Chemistry I Laboratory
CH 122 - General Chemistry II
CH 122L - General Chemistry II Laboratory
CH 221 - Organic Chemistry I
CH 221L - Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
CH 222 - Organic Chemistry II
CH 222L - Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
CH 241 - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry I
CH 241L - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory
CH 242 - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry II
CH 242L - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry II Laboratory
CH 321 - Physical Chemistry I
CH 321L - Physical Chemistry I Laboratory
CH 322 - Physical Chemistry II
CH 322L - Physical Chemistry II Laboratory
MA 121 - Calculus I
MA 122 - Calculus II
SC 131 - General Physics I
SC 131L - General Physics I Laboratory
SC 132 - General Physics II
SC 132L - General Physics II Laboratory
SC 302 - Practicum/Internship
SC 351 - Senior Science Seminar I
*Note: SC 302 (credits vary)