Computer Information Systems, B.S.
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The Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, under the Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership, is designed to develop students’ skills across a wide range of technology-oriented disciplines. By studying a variety of technology applications, students gain the ability to effectively implement and lead organizations through the selection, integration and end-user support required of IT professionals.
Upon completing the program of study in Computer Information Systems, students will:
- Identify the principal concepts, theories, and practices in the functional areas of technology and information systems.
- Recognize ethical principles in information technology and apply them to organizational decision making.
- Demonstrate competence in interpersonal skills, oral and written communication, leadership and teamwork appropriate for my chosen field.
- Utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills to solve technology and business problems.
- Demonstrate responsible behaviors in a digital world.
- Demonstrate the ability to integrate the various components of information technology into a functional whole.
Computer Information Systems, B.S.
REQUIRED CORE (39 credits)
BE 135 - Business Communications
MG 142 - Introduction to Project Management
CIS 150 - Computer Hardware Fundamentals
CIS 160 - Programming with Python
CIS 171 - Business Spreadsheet Development
CIS 172 - Database Development
CIS 250 - Windows Operating System
CIS 270 - Linux Operating System
CIS 282 - Computer Networks
CIS 286 - Internet and Web Publishing
CIS 330 - Issues in Computer Ethics
CIS 379 - Management of the Information Systems Function
Select one (3 credits):
CIS 380 - Internship
CIS 393 - Senior Computer Project
FLEXIBLE CORE (12 credits)
Select four (12 credits):
AR 113 - Three-Dimensional Design
AR 114 - Graphic Design I
AR 201 - Introduction to Computer Art
AR 214 - Graphic Design II
CIS 110 - Contemporary Issues in Computer Information Systems
CIS 112 - Introduction to Cybersecurity
CIS 115 - Computer Essentials
CIS 210 - Data Privacy and Digital Security
CIS 221 - Security Auditing and Risk Assessment
CIS 231 - Legal Issues in Cybersecurity
CIS 252 - Special Topics
CIS 261 - The Power and Pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
CIS 276 - Systems Analysis and Design
CIS 301 - Technology and the Arts
CIS 315 - Healthcare and Information Systems
CIS 320 - Computer Forensics I
CIS 321 - Computer Forensics II
CIS 331 - Incident Management and Response
CIS 385 - Information Systems Security
CIS 390 - Independent Study
CIS 330 - Issues in Computer Ethics