Human Services, B.S.

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(54 credits)

The Bachelor of Science in Human Services, under the Department of Psychology, is designed to provide students with a career-oriented degree which is combined with a rigorous Liberal Arts education. The major prepares the student to work in the community in professional capacities such as community outreach worker, case manager, community support counselor, and job coach. This major requires six credits of supervised internship experience. It is an interdisciplinary major drawing upon courses from several disciplines, including: Psychology, Sociology, Management, and Philosophy, in addition to the core general education courses.

Upon completing the program of study in Human Services, students will:

  • Demonstrate skills in observation, needs assessment, social intervention, program development and implementation, and evaluation of outcomes.
  • Assess the human service needs of individuals, families, and communities. 
  • Analyze major social issues, social problems, and current socio-political and socio-cultural events which affect human services.
  • Understand and apply legal and ethical standards affecting the delivery of human services.


REQUIRED CORE (54 credits)

HS 101 - Introduction to Human Services
MG 131 - Principles of Management
SO 111 - Introduction to Sociology
PY 111 - Introduction to Psychology
PY 211 - Abnormal Psychology
PY 213 - Counseling Techniques
PY 235 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse
PY 250 - Community Psychology
HS 280 - Human Services Practicum I
HS 281 - Human Services Practicum II
HS 311 - Issues in Human Services

Select two (6 credits):

PY 214 - Death and Dying
PY 330 - Child Development
PY 341 - Adolescent Psychology
PY 350 - Adulthood and Aging

Select two (6 credits):

HS 256 - Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System
SO 212 - Social Work: History and Practice
SO 213 - Social Work: Populations and Policies
SO 242 - Race, Ethnicity and Racism

Select two (6 credits):

SO 121 - Contemporary Social Problems
CJ 231 - Deviance and Criminology
CJ 232 - Juvenile Delinquency
SO 241 - Urban Sociology

Select one (3 credits): Philosophy (PH) and/or Religion (RS) course in consultation with the advisor.

*Courses are offered annually through the Accelerated Degree Program (ADP) for HS 101, PY 213, PY 235, and HS 311


HS 311 - Issues in Human Services

Master of Science in Human Services: 4 + 1 B.A./B.S./M.S.(Traditional Undergraduate Students Only)

This program is designed for traditional undergraduate students who have demonstrated an ability to excel and a desire to obtain a Master of Science in Human Services degree in a minimal amount of time. A total of 159 credits are required to receive both the Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Human Services degrees. Of these, 120 credits are completed in the undergraduate program and 39 credits in the graduate program. During senior year, students take 2 graduate courses. There is no extra cost to the student for these credits during their undergraduate study if they have been accepted into the 4 + 1 program. 

Students should apply to the Master of Science in Human Services program during the spring of their junior year and must have an overall G.P.A. of 3.5 to be accepted into the 4 + 1 program. At the time of acceptance, students will be assigned a graduate faculty advisor in addition to their undergraduate faculty advisor.