Psychology, B.A.

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(39 - 45 credits)

The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, under the Department of Psychology, is designed to provide students with a broad background into the theoretical foundations of psychology and its practical applications, with a strong emphasis on research methods. Given our small faculty to class ratio, our programs are tailored to meet the individual needs and interests of students. Students will be prepared for a career in a helping profession, such as counseling or education. They will be able to design, conduct, and analyze research studies and apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills in a professional setting and in personal relationships.

Upon completing the program of study in Psychology, students will:

  • Identify and articulate major concepts, theories, and research findings in psychology.
  • Identify, read, and critically evaluate professional literature in psychology-related fields.
  • Design, conduct, interpret, and communicate the findings of empirical studies.
  • For those who wish to pursue employment in helping professions (e.g., counseling or education): demonstrate basic knowledge and skills relevant to their projected careers.

Psychology, B.A. - General Psychology

This program provides students with a broad background in contemporary psychology and its theoretical foundations, with a strong emphasis on research methods. It is flexible and can be tailored to meet students’ interests. This program is strongly recommended for students intending to pursue advanced studies in psychology or related fields. The critical thinking skills fostered by this concentration are useful in many academic and professional settings.


REQUIRED CORE (15 credits)

PY 111 - Introduction to Psychology
PY 218 - Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
PY 325 - Experimental Methods and Research Design
PY 340 - Psychological Assessment

Select one (3 credits)

PY 280 - Practicum
PY 391 - Senior Seminar


PY 311 - History and Systems of Psychology

Select two (6 credits):

PY 211 - Abnormal Psychology
PY 321 - Personality
PY 323 - Social Psychology
PY 330 - Child Development

Select two (6 credits):

PY 222 - Learning
PY 234 - Brain and Behavior
PY 236 - Motivation
PY 237 - Cognitive Psychology

Select three (9 credits): Psychology (PY) courses in consultation with the advisor.

Psychology, B.A. - Art Therapy

This program provides preparation for specialized training in the use of creative arts in psychotherapy. The art therapist, working with other mental health professionals, offers clients an outlet for creative expression and a method for enhancing self-esteem via personal communication using various media. Students may pursue graduate training in art therapy or other mental health fields.


REQUIRED CORE (15 credits)

PY 111 - Introduction to Psychology
PY 218 - Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
PY 280 - Practicum
PY 325 - Experimental Methods and Research Design
PY 340 - Psychological Assessment


PY 211 - Abnormal Psychology
PY 312 - Psychotherapy
PY 321 - Personality
PY 371 - Introduction to Art Therapy
PY 372 - Theory and Practice of Art Therapy

Select one (3 credits):

PY 330 - Child Development
PY 341 - Adolescent Psychology
PY 350 - Adulthood and Aging


AR 111 - Drawing I
AR 231 - Introduction to Ceramics
AR 311 - Painting I

Select one (3 credits): Studio Art (AR) course

Psychology, B.A. - Child Development (Traditional Undergraduate Program Only)

This program provides structured preparation for work with typically developing or exceptional children. Students generally pursue employment or graduate studies in education or in clinical fields that emphasize work with children.


REQUIRED CORE (15 credits)

PY 111 - Introduction to Psychology
PY 218 - Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
PY 280 - Practicum
PY 325 - Experimental Methods and Research Design
PY 340 - Psychological Assessment


PY 210 - Behavior Modification
PY 229 - Psychology of the Exceptional Child
PY 242 - Educational Psychology
PY 330 - Child Development
PY 380 - Internship

Select (6 credits):

PY 133 - Reasoning and Numeracy in Childhood
PY 248 - Cultural Psychology
PY 255 - Risk and Resilience in Children and Families
ED 212 - History and Philosophy of Education

* PY 380 is worth 9 credits and PY 133 is worth 1.5 credits.


PY 341 - Adolescent Psychology
SO 232 -
SO 242 - Race, Ethnicity and Racism

Psychology, B.A. - Counseling and Mental Health

This program provides structured preparation for work in the prevention and remediation of emotional, behavioral, and educational problems. Students generally pursue employment or graduate studies in counseling or related fields.


REQUIRED CORE (15 credits)

PY 111 - Introduction to Psychology
PY 218 - Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
PY 280 - Practicum
PY 325 - Experimental Methods and Research Design
PY 340 - Psychological Assessment


PY 210 - Behavior Modification
PY 211 - Abnormal Psychology
PY 213 - Counseling Techniques
PY 222 - Learning
PY 312 - Psychotherapy
PY 380 - Internship

* PY 380 is worth 6 credits.

Select one (3 credits):

PY 330 - Child Development
PY 341 - Adolescent Psychology
PY 350 - Adulthood and Aging

Select one (3 credits):

PY 229 - Psychology of the Exceptional Child
PY 250 - Community Psychology


BI 111 - General Biology I
BI 112 - General Biology II
BI 116 - The Human Body
PY 235 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse
PY 248 - Cultural Psychology
SO 212 - Social Work: History and Practice
SO 242 - Race, Ethnicity and Racism


PY 325 - Experimental Methods and Research Design