Religion, B.A.

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(36 credits)

The Bachelor of Arts in Religion, under the Department of Philosophy and Religion, is largely self-designed in consultation with a faculty member/mentor, and the student is encouraged to be in pursuit of a particular question or subject area. The major consists of ten courses and a six-credit independent study/final project. Students will maintain an ePortfolio of their work in the major so that their progress can be monitored and assessed, as well as for the pedagogical purpose of student self-reflection.

Upon completing the program of study in Religion, students will:

  • Read for a deep understanding.
  • Think clearly and critically.
  • Communicate effectively in written and oral forms of expression.
  • Conscientiously engage multiple perspectives.
  • Apply their learning to the world.
  • Develop the habits and aptitudes of a contemplative life.


REQUIRED CORE (12 credits)

RS 275 - History of Christianity
RS 283 - Religion and Society
RS 393 - Final Project I
RS 394 - Final Project II

FLEXIBLE CORE (24 credits)

Select five (15 credits): Religion (RS) courses 

Select three (9 credits): Philosophy (PH) courses


RS 394 - Final Project II