Social Media Minor
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The minor in Social Media provides students with opportunities to pursue coursework in written communication, contextual marketing and communications courses, and creative production for new media.
To earn the Social Media minor, students must complete the courses listed below:
Select two (6 credits):
AR 216 - Arts and Entrepreneurship
CO 141 - Public Speaking
CO 220 - Sociology of Communications
CO 261 - Public Relations
CO 362 - Persuasion
CIS 301 - Technology and the Arts
CIS 330 - Issues in Computer Ethics
MG 231 - Principles of Marketing
MG 240 - Social Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship
MG 241 - Marketing Research and Strategy
Select two (6 credits):
BE 135 - Business Communications
CO 125 - Podcast Writing & Development
CO 210 - Creative Copywriting
CO 229 - Introduction to Digital Communications
CO 230 - Interactive Marketing on Social Media
CO 263 - Social Media Storytelling
CO 267 - Social Media Journalism
CO 365 - Writing for Interactive Media
CO 372 - Political Activism on Social Media
EN 143 - Introduction to Creative Writing
Select two (6 credits):
AR 114 - Graphic Design I
AR 201 - Introduction to Computer Art
AR 214 - Graphic Design II
AR 314 - Advanced Graphic Design I
AR 335 - Digital Photography I
AR 336 - Digital Photography II
CIS 286 - Internet and Web Publishing
CO 139 - Introduction to Digital Video & Audio
CO 239 - Digital Video & Audio I
CO 339 - Digital Video & Audio II
CO 394 - Social Media Capstone