Social Science, B.A.

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(48 credits)

The Bachelor of Arts in Social Science is an interdisciplinary major that is the combination of the four social sciences: Sociology, Psychology, Political Science and Economics or Business.

This major requires 16 courses spread out over the social sciences. Very often courses for the major will also count as Designated General Education Requirements.

The Social Science major will enable students to:

  • Develop a solid understanding of two social science disciplines and be exposed to at least two others.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use the multiple social science perspectives in analyzing society and human behavior.
  • Engage in creating their own curriculum in consultation with their advisor.  Depending on their future goals they may choose a sequence of courses meant to prepare them for applied social science work, research oriented social science work, or a broad and interdisciplinary background suited to a number of life pathways.
  • Participate in the Internship Program in the various concentrations and thus  be evaluated by supervisors on their performance.
  • Participate in independent academic research on a topic of their choice.
  • Assess a client’s long-term and short-term goals in order to design beneficial digital marketing strategies.


REQUIRED CORE (48 credits)

Select seven (21 credits): First chosen social science - Psychology (SO) or Sociology (PY) courses

Select five (15 credits): Second chosen social science - Psychology (SO) or Sociology (PY) courses

Select two (6 credits):

BE 205 - Principles of Microeconomics
CJ 111 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
PO 112 - American Politics and Government
PO 115 - Introduction to Urban Studies

Select two (6 credits): Business/Economics (BE), Political Science (PO), Psychology (PY), and/or Sociology (SO) courses