Undergraduate Initial Teacher Certification Program

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The College is licensed by the Connecticut Department of Higher Education, and has approval by the Connecticut Department of Education to offer planned programs at the undergraduate level leading to initial teacher certification. Planned programs are in place as follows:

  • Secondary Level (grades 7–12): biology; business; chemistry; general science; English; history/social studies; mathematics; Spanish
  • Middle Level (grades 4– 8): *English; general science; history/social studies; mathematics
  • Grades pre-k–12: art

Note:  *Teacher candidates for an initial teacher certificate with an endorsement to teach English are required to include in their program of studies a course in Young Adult Literature offered by the English Department.

Expected Outcomes for Teacher Candidate Program Completers

Demonstration of successful completion of targeted student learning outcomes is as follows:

  • By successful completion of coursework in the major discipline and by attaining required scores on Praxis II Subject Assessments, candidates will demonstrate their subject-specific content knowledge and general and subject-specific teaching skills.
  • By meeting or exceeding the score set by the Connecticut State Department of Education on the edTPA, the student teaching assessment required in CT, candidates will demonstrate their readiness to assume responsibilities as classroom teachers in their chosen subject areas.
  • By fulfillment of responsibilities in coursework and in field experiences, teacher candidates will demonstrate dispositions expected of those entering the teaching profession.
  • Candidates’ ongoing reflective journal entries during enrollment in the teacher preparation program will demonstrate growth in understanding of national and state standards, and of the application of their program of studies to effective teaching practices.
  • As they build professional teaching portfolios during their teacher preparation program, candidates will include artifacts and reflections that demonstrate their progression towards meeting the Connecticut Common Core of Teaching Standards and the national program standards of their discipline, thus providing evidence of their readiness to assume responsibilities as classroom teachers.

Admissions Requirements:

Students seeking to enroll in a planned program leading to initial teacher certification in the State of Connecticut are required to:

  • Request an appointment with the Certification Officer or the Director of Education Programs for the purpose of plotting a planned program leading to certification.
  • Write an essay related to education, details of which will be discussed with all interested applicants.
  • Participate in a scheduled interview with selected faculty members of Education Programs.
  • Submit scores for one of the following tests: Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators, SAT, or ACT.
  • Select a content major from approved endorsement areas.
  • Complete and pass ED 190 and P Y111 with a grade of C or better.
  • Present documentation of a minimum 2.7 G.P.A.


Note: Applicants intending to obtain teacher certification must fulfill the above requirements before the completion of six credits in education courses. Those accepted as candidates must earn a C or better in education courses for continuous progress throughout the program.    They must also maintain a cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) of 2.7 overall throughout their studies, with a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 in their major content area.


The Connecticut State Department of Education requires that all applicants for the program in teacher preparation must provide test scores from one of the following: Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators, SAT, or ACT. Depending on these scores, applicants for admission to the teacher preparation program may be required to complete additional steps leading to program admission. Before the conclusion of the program, teacher candidates must complete Praxis II Subject Assessments in the disciplines for which they seek endorsement to teach. Students may obtain information about these requirements online at www.ets.org/praxis and also from the Office of Education Programs. Candidates seeking certification in Spanish must meet testing requirements for the ACTFL tests rather than Praxis II. As part of the student teaching experience, teacher candidates must fulfill edTPA portfolio requirements. In addition, throughout the planned program the College employs a variety of assessments to determine the teacher candidate’s progress and growth in knowledge, skills, and dispositions.


Albertus Magnus College’s Initial Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). CAEP promotes excellence in educator preparation through content and pedagogy, clinical partnerships and practice, candidate recruitment, progression, and support, program impact, and quality assurance and continuous improvement. Albertus Magnus College’s accreditation is effective Fall 2022 - Fall 2029.

CAEP requires the Albertus Magnus College Educations Programs to report annually on specific reporting measures to evaluate Program Impact and Program Outcomes.

Inquiries regarding accreditation status should be directed to the Director of the Education Programs. Individuals may also contact:

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
1140 19th Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036
Website: caepnet.org

Plan of Study

Education Courses

Students will take 39 credits in education courses to fulfill the requirements of the Initial Teacher Preparation Program.


REQUIRED CORE (39 credits)

ED 170 - Health Education for Teachers
ED 190 - Orientation to the Schools
ED 212 - History and Philosophy of Education
ED 227 - Special Education for the Classroom Teacher I
ED 228 - Special Education for the Classroom Teacher II
ED 242 - Educational Psychology
ED 320 - Teaching Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
ED 321 - Curriculum and Methods of Teaching
ED 322 - Technological Applications in Classroom
ED 341 - Adolescent Psychology
ED 391 - Teaching Practicum
ED 392 - Student Teaching
ED 393 - Student Teaching Performance Assessment

General Academic Courses

Students will satisfy the State requirement pertaining to general academic courses as they fulfill the College’s general education requirements for graduation.

Note: Students seeking CT certification must fulfill the undergraduate fine arts requirement by taking a course beginning with the letters AR, AH, DR, or MU. For information about other general education requirements at Albertus Magnus College, please see this catalog’s description of the General Education requirements.

Field/Clinical Experiences

Several field experiences are provided as an integral part of the approved program leading to teacher certification.  Once a field placement is obtained, teacher candidates must follow the district’s procedures for obtaining a fingerprint/criminal history records check.  The student teaching experience is the final and culminating clinical experience. Together, these field/clinical experiences provide a balance of urban and suburban school experiences for the teacher candidate.

Additional Information

Teacher candidates must meet all current state regulations regarding Connecticut teacher certification in effect at the time of their certification application.

Fees  are attached to criminal history records checks, Praxis Core, Praxis II subject assessments, ACTFL tests, and the edTPA portfolio.

Education Minor (18 credits)

The Education Minor is different from the teacher preparation program leading to initial teacher certification in Connecticut. This minor provides a foundation for graduate studies leading to various categories of educator certification. The Education minor also provides preparation for careers in teaching in early childhood centers, in social services related to work with families and children, or in criminal justice with a focus on juvenile justice. A student who wishes to minor in Education should make an appointment to meet with the Director of Education Programs or the Certification Officer to discuss this option.

ED 190 - Orientation to the Schools
ED 212 - History and Philosophy of Education
ED 242 - Educational Psychology

Select one (3 credits):

ED 330 - Child Development
ED 341 - Adolescent Psychology

Select (7 credits*):

ED 170 - Health Education for Teachers
ED 227 - Special Education for the Classroom Teacher I
ED 228 - Special Education for the Classroom Teacher II
ED 251 - Special Topics
ED 320 - Teaching Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
ED 322 - Technological Applications in Classroom
PY 133 - Reasoning and Numeracy in Childhood
PY 229 - Psychology of the Exceptional Child

*With department approval it is possible to make substitutions for courses in this category.

Early Childhood, Elementary, Bilingual Elementary and Special Education Certification Pathways

An agreement between Albertus Magnus College and Southern Connecticut State University offers a pathway for graduates from Albertus Magnus College to enroll in the Master of Arts in Teaching Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Bilingual Elementary Education, and Special Education at SCSU. As undergraduates at Albertus, students major in Psychology with a concentration in Child Development and minor in Education. Interested students should contact the Education Programs Office at Albertus to obtain details of this Pathway arrangement.