Art, B.A.
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The Bachelor of Arts in Art, under the Department of Arts, is designed to provide students with a strong basic foundation in a variety of art areas, preparing them for advanced programs, graduate studies, and careers in art related professions. Courses are designed to give students an extensive background in the history of art and an opportunity to achieve competence in studio art areas. This humanities degree balances art studies with general education credits, leaving open the possibility of a double major or minor.
Upon completing the program of study in Art, students will:
- Effectively communicate original ideas in their chosen medium, visually, spatially, orally or in writing.
- Understand historical and cultural contexts for that original work.
- Use critical thinking, self-guided problem solving, and judicious research to achieve their individual creative goals.
Art, B.A. - Art Therapy
REQUIRED CORE (18 credits)
AR 111 - Drawing I
AR 213 - Color
AR 380 - Art Practicum
AH 331 - The Museum Experience
AR 391 - Senior Project
Select one (3 credits):
AR 113 - Three-Dimensional Design
AR 122 - Two-Dimensional Design
FLEXIBLE CORE (9 credits)
Select three (9 credits): Studio Art (AR) courses
PY 111 - Introduction to Psychology
PY 211 - Abnormal Psychology
PY 218 - Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
PY 340 - Psychological Assessment
PY 371 - Introduction to Art Therapy
PY 372 - Theory and Practice of Art Therapy
Select one (3 credits):
PY 330 - Child Development
PY 341 - Adolescent Psychology
Art, B.A. - Graphic Design
The Graphic Design concentration is of timely and practical value to the student interested in a career in visual communications. Students pursue coursework in digital art techniques with an emphasis on intelligent design. Areas of study include digital art, photography and two dimensional design. Advanced coursework in graphic design exposes students to design for print and the web. This coursework coupled with a practicum in the field gives students the practical skills and conceptual knowledge needed to pursue a career in graphic design.
REQUIRED CORE (18 credits)
AR 111 - Drawing I
AR 122 - Two-Dimensional Design
AR 213 - Color
AR 380 - Art Practicum
AH 331 - The Museum Experience
AR 391 - Senior Project
AR 114 - Graphic Design I
AR 201 - Introduction to Computer Art
AR 214 - Graphic Design II
AR 235 - Introduction to Photography I
AR 236 - Photography II
AR 314 - Advanced Graphic Design I
AR 315 - Advanced Graphic Design II
AR 335 - Digital Photography I
AR 336 - Digital Photography II
Art, B.A. - Photography
The Photography concentration provides experience with the medium of photography as a fine art necessary to pursue a rewarding career in the area of photography. Introductory level courses are followed by advanced topics in black and white and color photography, preparing the student for work in the field or for graduate studies in photography. An internship further strengthens your preparation to find success post graduation.
REQUIRED CORE (21 credits)
AR 111 - Drawing I
AR 113 - Three-Dimensional Design
AR 122 - Two-Dimensional Design
AR 213 - Color
AR 380 - Art Practicum
AH 331 - The Museum Experience
AR 391 - Senior Project
FLEXIBLE CORE (3 credits)
Select one (3 credits): Art History (AH) courses
AR 201 - Introduction to Computer Art
AR 235 - Introduction to Photography I
AR 236 - Photography II
AR 335 - Digital Photography I
AR 336 - Digital Photography II
AR 337 - Advanced Photography I
AR 338 - Advanced Photography II
Art, B.A. - Studio Art
The Studio Art concentration introduces the student to the language of art in its many forms. Small interactive classes nurture growth in personal style and expression while encouraging individual excellence and the cooperative interchange of ideas. A one-person art exhibition is required of each major as preparation for a career as an artist. An internship further strengthens your preparation to find success post-graduation. Students are offered opportunities to investigate and explore possibilities in the field and are encouraged to find a direction that will lead them toward a future in the art world.
REQUIRED CORE (24 credits)
AR 111 - Drawing I
AR 113 - Three-Dimensional Design
AR 122 - Two-Dimensional Design
AR 212 - Figure Drawing
AR 213 - Color
AR 380 - Art Practicum
AH 331 - The Museum Experience
AR 391 - Senior Project
FLEXIBLE CORE (6 credits)
Select two (6 credits): Art History (AH) courses
Select five (15 credits): Studio Art (AR) courses in three or more areas