Business Management, B.S.
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The Bachelor of Science in Business Management, under the Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership, is designed for students looking for positions in management occupations which continue to experience growth in Connecticut and on the national level. The program provides a strong foundation of knowledge and experiences that enable our graduates to be business leaders — those capable of making sound and ethical business decisions in a continuously changing environment.
Upon completing the program of study in Business Management, students will:
- Be able to demonstrate skills in quantitative analysis, scientific method, teamwork, written and oral communications, information literacy, and reading comprehension.
- Demonstrate knowledge of accounting, finance, management, international business, human resource management, marketing, economics, statistics, and business law and business ethics.
- Demonstrate the capacity for creative thinking.
- Demonstrate the ability to critically analyze ethical questions and engage in moral decision-making at the individual, company, and societal level.
- Apply learning from diverse disciplines to advanced strategic management issues.
The Tagliatela School of Business and Leadership at Albertus Magnus College has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. The IACBE grants accreditation for business management, public administration, accounting and finance programs only. Locations for program offerings are at the sole discretion of the Member.
Business Management, B.S. - Business Management
This concentration meets the Connecticut State Department of Education requirements for those traditional undergraduate students enrolled in the initial teacher preparation program at Albertus Magnus College and are seeking a secondary level teacher certification with a business endorsement. Contact the Department of Education and Teacher Preparation for additional information.
REQUIRED CORE (24 credits)
BE 135 - Business Communications
AC 161 - Financial Accounting
BE 205 - Principles of Microeconomics
BE 334 - Business Law
MG 131 - Principles of Management
MG 231 - Principles of Marketing
MG 309 - Business Ethics
MG 391 - Business Capstone
BE 204 - Principles of Macroeconomics
MG 228 - International Business Management
MG 335 - Human Resource Law
MG 362 - Human Resource Management
MG 365 - Issues of Small and Family Business
MG 367 - Strategic Management
MG 380 - Management Internship
Select one (3 credits):
BE 202 - Statistics for Business and Economics
CIS 115 - Computer Essentials
CIS 171 - Business Spreadsheet Development
*ADP students may substitute another course for MG 380 in consultation with the advisor.
Business Management, B.S. - Entrepreneurship (Traditional Undergraduate Program Only)
REQUIRED CORE (24 credits)
BE 135 - Business Communications
AC 161 - Financial Accounting
BE 205 - Principles of Microeconomics
BE 334 - Business Law
MG 131 - Principles of Management
MG 231 - Principles of Marketing
MG 309 - Business Ethics
MG 391 - Business Capstone
BE 204 - Principles of Macroeconomics
BE 248 - Business Modeling and Analysis
MG 142 - Introduction to Project Management
MG 240 - Social Entrepreneurship
MG 320 - Product Development
MG 335 - Human Resource Law
MG 365 - Issues of Small and Family Business
MG 382 - Entrepreneurship Internship
*ADP students may substitute another course for MG 382 in consultation with the advisor.
Business Management, B.S. - Marketing (Traditional Undergraduate Program Only)
REQUIRED CORE (24 credits)
BE 135 - Business Communications
AC 161 - Financial Accounting
BE 205 - Principles of Microeconomics
BE 334 - Business Law
MG 131 - Principles of Management
MG 231 - Principles of Marketing
MG 309 - Business Ethics
MG 391 - Business Capstone
BE 204 - Principles of Macroeconomics
MG 241 - Marketing Research and Strategy
MG 320 - Product Development
MG 322 - Promotional Marketing
MG 335 - Human Resource Law
MG 367 - Strategic Management
MG 380 - Management Internship
Select one (3 credits):
BE 202 - Statistics for Business and Economics
CIS 115 - Computer Essentials
CIS 171 - Business Spreadsheet Development
*ADP students may substitute another course for MG 380 in consultation with the advisor.
Master of Business Administration: 4 + 1 B.S./M.B.A.(Traditional Undergraduate Students Only)
This program is designed for traditional undergraduate students who have demonstrated an ability to excel and a desire to obtain a Master of Business Administration degree in a minimal amount of time. A minimum of 150 credits are required to receive both the Bachelor of Science in Business Management (any concentration) and Master of Business Administration degrees. Of these, 120 credits are completed in the undergraduate program and 30 credits in the graduate program. During senior year, students take 2 graduate courses. There is no extra cost to the student for these credits during their undergraduate study if they have been accepted into the 4 + 1 program.
Students should apply to the Master of Business Administration program during the spring of their junior year and must have an overall G.P.A. of 3.5 to be accepted into the 4 + 1 program. At the time of acceptance, students will be assigned a graduate faculty advisor in addition to their undergraduate faculty advisor.