English, B.A.

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(39 credits)

The Bachelor of Arts in English, under the Department of English and Communications, is designed to provide students with a strong background in the study of English. Majors in English all take core classes in British and American literature, Shakespeare, and Literary Theory and Criticism. English majors find that training in their academic discipline enables them to excel in many fields such as: education, publishing, law, library science, civil service, business, and journalism. 

Upon completing the program of study in English, students will:

  • Improve in writing clearly and correctly.
  • Increase their competence in close analysis of literary texts.
  • Foster the development of skills that center on speaking clearly, listening carefully, and observing perceptively.
  • Cultivate an aesthetic appreciation for language and a responsiveness to the creative work of others.
  • Engage in professions that require clear, precise, and effective oral and written communication.

English, B.A. - General English


REQUIRED CORE (24 credits)

EN 170 - Foundations of Literary Study
EN 227 - Masterworks of British Literature I
EN 228 - Masterworks of British Literature II
EN 356 - Studies in American Literature
EN 380 - Internship
EN 391 - Senior Seminar in British and American Literature

Select one (3 credit):

EN 361 - Literature of the Immigrant

Special Topics course approved by the Department Chair

Select one (3 credit):

EN 283 - Shakespeare I
EN 284 - Shakespeare II

FLEXIBLE CORE (15 credits)

Select five (15 credits): English (EN) courses excluding EN 100, EN 106W and EN 107W.

This concentration meets the Connecticut State Department of Education requirements for those students enrolled in the initial teacher preparation program at Albertus Magnus College and are seeking a middle or secondary level teacher certification with an English endorsement. Teacher candidates for an initial teacher certification with an English endorsement must include EN 251 Young Adult Literature in their program of study. Contact the Department of Education and Teacher Preparation for additional information.

English, B.A. - Creative Writing


REQUIRED CORE (24 credits)

EN 170 - Foundations of Literary Study
EN 227 - Masterworks of British Literature I
EN 228 - Masterworks of British Literature II
EN 356 - Studies in American Literature
EN 380 - Internship
EN 391 - Senior Seminar in British and American Literature

Select one (3 credit):

EN 361 - Literature of the Immigrant

Special Topics course approved by the Department Chair

Select one (3 credit):

EN 283 - Shakespeare I
EN 284 - Shakespeare II


EN 143 - Introduction to Creative Writing
EN 244A - Creative Writing: Poetry, Short Fiction, Short Theater Pieces

Select three (9 credits):

EN 244B - Creative Writing: Poetry, Short Fiction, Short Theater Pieces
EN 245W - The Composing Process
EN 345A - Seminar in Composing Autobiography
EN 345B - Seminar in Composing Autobiography

English, B.A. - Dramatic Studies


REQUIRED CORE (24 credits)

EN 170 - Foundations of Literary Study
EN 227 - Masterworks of British Literature I
EN 228 - Masterworks of British Literature II
EN 356 - Studies in American Literature
EN 380 - Internship
EN 391 - Senior Seminar in British and American Literature

Select one (3 credit):

EN 361 - Literature of the Immigrant

Special Topics course approved by the Department Chair

Select one (3 credit):

EN 283 - Shakespeare I
EN 284 - Shakespeare II


Select five:

EN 244A - Creative Writing: Poetry, Short Fiction, Short Theater Pieces
EN 244B - Creative Writing: Poetry, Short Fiction, Short Theater Pieces
EN 250 - Special Studies in Literature
EN 283 - Shakespeare I
EN 284 - Shakespeare II
EN 293 - From Adultery to Apocalypse: Five Amazing Plays
EN 390 - Independent Study


EN 391 - Senior Seminar in British and American Literature