Administrative Withdrawal

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Administrative Withdrawal: Failure to Start

  • Students who have not attended any semester-long classes for 14 calendar days or mod. classes for 4 consecutive classes, never complete an assignment and do not contact the Office of the Registrar and/or Office of Advising and Student Success will be considered a “no show” and will be administratively withdrawn from the class. The student’s financial aid will be adjusted to reflect eligibility only for those classes attended.
  • Students who have been administratively withdrawn from a class will have the class and all tuition and fees associated with the class removed from their record. Students will be notified in writing by the Office of the Registrar and/or Office of Advising and Student success that they are being administratively withdrawn and will have an opportunity to respond.

Administrative Withdrawal: From the College

Albertus Magnus College has the authority to withdraw a student from the college and to revoke that student’s registration at any time for the following reasons:

  • Registration in violation of College regulations (e.g. academic ineligibility to register).
  • Failure to comply with academic requirements (e.g. unsatisfactory class attendance, violation of the learning contract for students on academic probation, etc.).
  • Failure to pay college tuition and fees by the due date.
  • Disciplinary suspension or dismissal for the remainder of an academic term or longer.
  • Severe psychological or health problems such that the student cannot continue in attendance.
  • Other reasons deemed appropriate by the proper administrative officer.

A grade of WA is recorded for an administrative withdrawal. The grade of WA is not computed in the student’s grade point average and therefore involves no academic penalty. The Registrar must authorize the recording of this grade.

In other cases of administrative withdrawal, the date of the withdrawal and the reason for the withdrawal are used to determine the grade to be recorded and the amount of tuition and fees to be assessed or canceled. In most cases, the regular tuition and fee assessment and refund policies of the college prevail.
If a student is being administratively withdrawn from the college, the student will be notified in writing and have the oppotunity to respond. If the student does not take any action, the student will be administratively withdrawn.

Administrative Withdrawal: From a Course

Students who have not attended a semester-long class for 14 calendar days or a mod. class for 4 consecutive classes will be notified in writing by the Office of the Registrar and/or Office of Advising and Student Success that they are being administratively withdrawn.  They will have an opportunity to respond. Students who do not take any action will be administratively withdrawn.

  • Administrative withdrawals will take place after the fee refund period. A student who is administratively withdrawn from a course will not be eligible for a tuition refund.
  • Administrative withdrawals will be managed through the student’s attendance record. For additional information review, the Withdrawal From a Course policy.

Students who are administratively withdrawn from a course may be reinstated into the class with instructor approval. If a student wishes to be reinstated, they must obtain in writing the permission for reinstatement. The reinstatement request and instructor approval should be sent to the Registrar. The Registrar will reinstate the student into the course within 24-hours. The student will be expected to attend the next scheduled class session to remain in the course or they will be administratively withdrawn from the course with no option for additional reinstatement.