Institutional Review Board

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Albertus Magnus College recognizes the importance of  human subjects research to further the knowledge base of the academic and wider community. The College assures research conducted under its auspices protects the rights and welfare of human participants in accordance with federal regulations and ethical standards. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees this process by reviewing research involving human participants conducted by Albertus faculty, staff, students, and outside researchers.

The mission of the IRB is to ensure human participants are treated with the utmost respect and fairness throughout the research process as stipulated by the Belmont Report, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 46 Protection of Human Subjects. The goal of IRB review at Albertus is to ensure that in all institutional research:

  • Research is conducted in a manner consistent with established ethical standards
  • Research benefits are identifiable
  • Human participants are recruited and treated ethically
  • Participants by human subjects is fully informed and voluntary
  • Risks are minimized
  • Data collected and reported maintains anonymity or confidentiality standards