Office of Residential Life

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The Office of Residential Life strives to create a living and learning experience that supports the academic mission of the college and fosters a community of inclusivity, responsibility, and compassion. The mission of the Residential Life Experience is to nurture a positive environment that is conducive to learning, friendship, and study. By creating a holistic residential experience, we will provide students the opportunity to develop lifelong skills in order to become contributing members of society. College residence halls function on the basis of cooperation and mutual respect between students and administration. All parties collaborate to create a high quality of life within the residence halls.

There are six residence halls on Albertus’ campus: one traditional style building that houses all first year students, four historic mansion style buildings, and one apartment style hall for upperclassmen. Each building offers a variety of single, double, triple, or quad sized housing accommodations. First year students are assigned housing after their summer orientation. Returning residential students will make their housing selections during the annual Housing Selection process held in the spring semester of each academic year. Housing Selection is a lottery process that is broken down into groups based on the total number of credits earned. All residential students are required to sign an annual housing contract that reviews the college’s policies in relation to residential life.

The Residential Life Staff is made up of twelve Resident Assistants (RAs), two Assistant Residential Life Coordinators, one full-time Residential Life Coordinator, and the Associate Director of Residential Life and Community Standards. The RAs serve as student staff members and live in the residence halls. RAs are responsible for building community within the halls and enforcing the college’s policies and procedures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the residential student.

All policies regarding rules, regulations, and accommodations can be found in The Source, the Albertus Magnus College Student Handbook. Any questions regarding the Residential Life Program can be directed to the Office of Residential Life, 203-773-8542 or