Arts and Humanities Collaborative

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Rigorous training in the arts and humanities has been a distinguishing feature of an Albertus education since the College’s founding in 1925. In today’s increasingly complex and interconnected world, the skills and dispositions one can develop through study in these fields are more valuable than ever before. 

The mission of the Arts and Humanities Collaborative is to enrich and elevate our students’ experience of study in the arts and humanities and to share the fruits of the College’s rich teaching and practice in these fields with a wider public.

Goals and Objectives

The Collaborative assembles the talent and resources of five distinct departments: Arts, English and Communications, History, Political Science and Sociology, Languages and Cultures, and Philosophy and Religion. Faculty and student leaders in these affiliated departments work together to

  • Organize events to enrich the experience of current majors and minors in the arts and humanities
  • Promote and strengthen our programs in these fields
  • Develop new, interdisciplinary programs in these fields, responsive to student interest and need
  • Stimulate collaborations between the arts and humanities and other fields of study at the College
  • Create and share content highlighting the work of our faculty and students
  • Engage with thought leaders around prominent issues relating to the arts and humanities today