Academic Integrity in Graduate Programs

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In accordance with the Tradition of Honor, students are expected to understand and conform to College expectations for honesty and integrity in academic work and to understand what constitutes plagiarism.
Faculty allegations of academic dishonesty by a student will proceed as follows:

  • The parties involved will first attempt to reach a solution on their own, and the resolution will be recorded in an Intellectual Honesty Form filed with the Dean.
  • If the parties cannot reach a solution, then the faculty member will file a written Intellectual Honesty Form with the Vice President for Academic Affairs or Dean. This form will specify the complaint, provide the basis for a proposed sanction, and be reviewed by the department chair or program director.
  • The Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Dean will review all relevant information, confer with the faculty member and program director, and make a final recommendation to the faculty member within ten business days of the formal receipt of the written complaint.
  • The student will be informed of the result after the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Dean has made the final recommendation.
  • Sanctions for academic dishonesty are ordinarily as follows:

1. First offense: determined according to the process described above.

2. Second offense: dismissal from the graduate program and the College.