Degree Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) / Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

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The B.A. or B.S. degree requires the successful completion of at least 120 credits, including at least 60 credits in courses outside the major and its required correlatives. These 120 credits include general education requirements, college requirements, and requirements for the major.

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science at Albertus Magnus College must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Pass the required core curriculum and general education courses as outlined above.
  2. Complete the field of concentration with its major subject and correlatives.
  3. Maintain a general average of C (2.0) in all work attempted at Albertus Magnus College as well as a C average in the major and minor.
  4. Complete a minimum of 30 credits as a matriculating student at Albertus Magnus College. Undergraduate students must earn their final 15 credits and at least 12 credits in advanced, upper-level courses at Albertus Magnus College. Complete at least 120 credits in course work, including 60 credits in courses outside the major and its required correlatives.

Major Department Requirement

No more than 45 credits are required for any major field offering a B.A. degree and no more than 60 credits for any major field offering a B.S. degree, including courses in the major department and required correlatives. A student must earn at least 12 credits toward the major in advanced, upper level courses (300-level) at Albertus Magnus College.