Liberal Arts Core Courses

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2025-2026 Academic Year

This is a comprehensive list of courses approved for the respective requirement. Not all course options are offered in a given semester or module. For tailored recommendations based on your degree(s) and plans, please consult with your academic advisor.


AH 143 - Evolution of Art: Ideas and Practice
AH 230 - Art History Survey I
AH 231 - Art History Survey II
AR 111 - Drawing I
AR 113 - Three-Dimensional Design
AR 122 - Two-Dimensional Design
AR 201 - Introduction to Computer Art
AR 213 - Color
AR 216 - Arts and Entrepreneurship
CO 121 - Introduction to Mass Communication
CO 139 - Introduction to Digital Video & Audio
CO 141 - Public Speaking
MU 111 - Introduction to Music
MU 112 - Fundamentals of Music
MU 212 - Jazz: The American Heritage


MA 111 - Mathematical Ideas
MA 116 - College Mathematics
MA 120 - Pre-Calculus
MA 121 - Calculus I
MA 122 - Calculus II


BI 111 - General Biology I
BI 116 - The Human Body
CH 121 - General Chemistry I
SC 108 - Frontiers of Science
SC 114 - Nutrition for Health and Fitness: The Science of Wellness
SC 118 - Ecology of Long Island Sound


HI 111 - Western Civilization I
HI 112 - Western Civilization II
HI 121 - United States History I
HI 122 - United States History II
HI 125 - Power, Politics, and History
HI 150 - Rights, Slavery and Revolution
HI 344 - African Slavery in the Atlantic World


BE 205 - Principles of Microeconomics
CJ 111 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
PO 112 - American Politics and Government
PO 115 - Introduction to Urban Studies
PY 111 - Introduction to Psychology
SO 111 - Introduction to Sociology


PH 111 - Critical Reasoning
PH 211 - Ancient Greek Thought
PH 224 - Modern Philosophy
PH 225 - Contemporary Philosophy
PH 276 - Housing and the Right to the City
PH 315 - Environmental Ethics
PH 321 - Modern Art and Architecture
PH 352 - Approaches to Global Justice


RS 223 - Religion and Popular Culture
RS 226 - Catholic Intellectual Tradition
RS 235 - Religion and the City
RS 236 - Women in the Bible
RS 237 - Theology of the Civil Rights Movement
RS 242 - The Spiritual Life
RS 244 - Religions of Asia
RS 252 - The Gospels
RS 275 - History of Christianity
RS 277 - Bible and Culture
RS 283 - Religion and Society
RS 373 - The Question of God in Modern World


EN 220 - The Short Story
EN 227 - Masterworks of British Literature I
EN 228 - Masterworks of British Literature II
EN 251 - Young Adult Literature
EN 283 - Shakespeare I
EN 284 - Shakespeare II
EN 293 - From Adultery to Apocalypse: Five Amazing Plays
EN 356 - Studies in American Literature
EN 360 - Literature of Love
EN 361 - Literature of the Immigrant
LC 261S - 20th & 21st Century Spanish and Latin American Film
LC 341S - Major Writers of Latin American Literature


LC 111I - Elementary Italian I
LC 111S - Elementary Spanish I
LC 112I - Elementary Italian II
LC 112S - Elementary Spanish II
LC 244I - Italian Culture & Civilization
LC 244S - The Cultures and Civilizations of the Spanish Speaking World
LC 360S - Issues of Anxiety & Assimilation in Puerto Rican and Nuyorican Literature
MG 329 - Global Issues
SO 211 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology