Honor Societies

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Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi Sigma is the criminal justice honor society. It recognizes excellence in criminal justice and law. Students seeking admission to the honor society must have 3.0 G.P.A., sophomore status, and in the top 10% of the class.

Alpha Sigma Lamda

Alpha Sigma Lamda is a national honor society for adult learners who accomplish academic excellence in higher education while facing competing interests of work and home. Established in 1946, Alpha Sigma Lamda is the oldest and largest honor society for adult learners in the United States, with 300 chapters nationwide. The Albertus Alpha Sigma Lambda Chapter honors the academic achievements of undergraduate students in the Adult Degree Program. Students are inducted into Alpha Sigma Lambda as graduating seniors. To qualify, students must have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 3.20. Each year, 30 students (typically the top 10% of the graduating class) will be recognized for their accomplishment.

Kappa Gamma Pi

Kappa Gamma Pi is the national Catholic college graduate honor society founded in 1926. Members are graduates who have demonstrated academic excellence and service leadership during their college years. As candidates, they pledge to continue to provide examples of scholarship, leadership, and service in their personal and professional lives.